Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Steam and Hellfire, part one

Dear Reader, some 3 days have passed, and it is only now that I have recuperated sufficiently to tell you the story. As more details come to light, they will be brought forward into the harsh light of scrutiny, you may rest assured.

all in the name of Science!

I had travelled due South, to Santa Clara, with the brave crew of the NeverWas Haul ( (pictured, courtesy of the astonishing Michael Rauner) for the recent Nova Albion 2011 Steampunk Exhibition, subtitled "The Wild, Wild East".

the Major narrowly averts disaster

I simply won't kid you. There were times it was touch-and-go. There were harsh words. There were tears. And that was only over the cucumber sandwiches at teatime! Finally, we found the 2-story Steampunk village of sorts and set up our informational outreach table for wayward gear monkeys, (as seen here)

Deborah Sciales, Steampunk coutier

The event itself was a rousing success, exhibiting

real growth... not just in DIY merchandise, but in innovative and, at times, hilarious sculpture, gadgetry, and costumery. All while maintaining a feeling of a distinct culture, especially in terms of speech and manners that is hopefully clever enough to outpace and defy a rapaciously hungry Mainstream.

although ray-guns have quickly become a SteamPunk staple, I find

the ingenious variation in design and detail enheartening

not advisable over 40 kph

this skull lit up, swiveled in two axises on a gimble, and sang Teahouse Swing

Had this been the entire contents of the weekend it would have sufficed nicely. But the NeverWas crew was hosting a party that very night in a secret location they had secured through secret means. And this very secret party was being held by the secret-y and mysterious league of shadowy figures that calls itself...

The Hellfire Club! (Chapter Two) which I am subject and witness to astonishing and unspeakable rites!

Absinthe! Dens of Vice! Blasphemy! Accordians! And, not the least of it...

Yorkshire Pudding!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meeting of The Hellfire Club

Of course, you're probably aware of the Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition going on March 12-14 in Emeryville, CA ( It's quite a show. I'll be there with the dauntless crew of the NeverWas Haul, the jewel in the crown of steam vehicles.
Even more exciting, however, is the convening of the Hibernian Hellfire Club on Saturday 26th night (6pm - 11:30pm)! No-host absinthe bar. Hookah lounge (which I'll be running. Ahem!). Kimric Smythe's plush monkey gun, a flaming Zeppelin, a handcrancked Victrola DJ, Mr. David Apocalypse's Museum of Shocking Oddities, lots of girls with accordians, the flame-throwing couch, and generally mad science gone off the rails in the biggest way possible! It all happens at a secret location in San Jose, CA. Those wishing to attend have various tools at their disposal to penetrate the cloud of secrecy, either by seeking out "Hibernian Hellfire Club" on Facebook or praying to Cthulu.

The Shroud of Secrecy Lifted! Not Dead!

Not a lot has happened vis a vis this blog lately, leading to speculation as to my demise. It was only after my premature burial at the hands of well-meaning colleagues that this reality really set in.
So why the silence? Why the incommunicato?
There certainly hasn't been a dearth of things to talk about.
The truth is that the Book of Steam, so long worked at and so long-derailed, is again in the works. RE:search has released the book to its parent, Mondo Publications.
That, and my timely release from captivity, this time at the hands of a Boilerplate robot society situated underground, allows me to at last poke my head above ground and breathe in the only-slightly radioactive air.
So the first thing I did, you ask, after 2 years of internment? Right, of course.... design costumes for the String Cheese Incident's Winter Carnival!