Monday, February 25, 2008

Crickey! Wot a Scrap of Luck!

 Not fifteen steps from the Aerobus Portal I spotted my old friend and cohort, Dr. Gregory S. Medley, who I had not seen since our days encamped in the jungles for the Zoological Ecology Corps!

 A mad scientist and inventor, my chum had, apparently, taken to the seas in the intervening years. 

 Although I had not noticed it before, I now began to see a
resemblance between my old colleague and renderings I had
seen overseas of the infamous rogue Majarajah, Captain

 (Surely this, though, was mere fancy brought on by our innumerable toasts of his Navy ration rum).

 Apparently, my friend explains, Phineas Fogg is in town. Another stroke of luck! He has banded together with his Legion Fantastique for a Mad Scientist convention. 

 My first day out, and such providence! My mind was swimming  and distracted with happy, rum-addled notions as I walked back through the Tenderloin, 6th and Mission, and the Projects on my way home to the airship. As always, the happy denizens were cheerful and polite!



  Most Esteemed Colleagues,

  After prolonged years of silence, (for which most of you were grateful), I again have the privilege of addressing you. 

  I have little to report on the Darkside of the Moon that is not already heard on the daily wires.  Subterranean life in the squirming Selenite tunnels loses its novelty as the years press on.

 My new retainer, an individual I know only by the moniker "M", has contacted me on the behest of  RE:search Publications, the famed punk press!

 The book is to be titled "Steampunk: the Retro-Futurist Dream", and will got to press in June.

 This, then, is the journal of findings in these explorations. For the benefit of whom it may concern...