Friday, March 7, 2008

Proper Moon Attire

 I get a lot of questions about having lived abroad on the Moon, especially about atmosphere. Well, the place has its points, I guess... but simply no atmosphere! For the gentleman who finds himself, (or the lady who finds herself), planning a trip abroad, may I suggest the Cosmo T series of airtight helmet?

Fitted to all standard portable air supplies, these lightweight and most efficacious toppers were originally used by Czar Nicholas's Moon Brigade. Made to pipe in familiar scents to remind one of home, this one is, unfortunately, set permanently to "Borscht".
Best of all, in my opinion, is the design... allowing a top hat to be worn over it. A must for the aerogentleman.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Baron!

 At last to return to the townhouse! The jolly folk going about their grinding lives of quiet desperation with pluck and a stiff upper lip. It does one good.
 I arrived in Campion Lane only to discover the door ajar! Proceeding with caution, my revolver at the ready.
 But it was only my father, Baron Zemo, again with his "join me and crush the world" with his army of undying and relentless clockwork soldier-bots.
 A six-pack and one pizza later, the Baron became somewhat sleepy, and his aero car driver took him home. Looks like the world barely escaped the crushing fingers of steel-fisted metallic Overlords... this time!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Swingtech Hood

While not strictly Steampunk, I thought I'd share this:
 Being a fan of the film Donny Darko, I took particular and smirky- self- satisfied- ironic pleasure in the industrious application of this aero-craft engine turbine as a smoke-drawing hood for a range!

 When the turbines reach full throttle, the air intake is truly quite extraordinary... although perhaps a bit overpowered for general use; sucking up any errant utensils and even tiles from the kitchen floor! 

Still, it wouldn't be Mad Science without its beautiful impracticality. No?
 Airplane parts, to me, always have that Decco feel that I've heard others call Swingtech, or its close sister, Dieselpunk. Whatever the term, it certainly makes a strong statement!